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รูป P Be Tank Vent

P-BE Tank Vent


Donaldson process filter housings for compressed air, technical gas, venting, and steam are available for both sanitary and non-sanitary applications.

Donaldson P-BE tank vent filter housings are developed for sterile ventilation of stationary and mobile storage tanks used in food, beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries.

The P-BE vent filter housings are typically used in conjunction with our P-SRF V process sterile air filter element to ensure sterile ventilation with very little pressure drop or air resistance.

The P-BE filter housing can also be used with other filter elements, such as the LifeTec PF-PT N, a PTFE membrane cartridge, or the P-GSL N, a pleated stainless steel mesh cartridge, to meet your specific requirements.
